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Increasing access to talent of authentic suitability.  

Philosophy and Approach

Capability and suitability are equals.

Actions speak louder than words. 


• Non-exclusive 

• Fees FIXED at 12%
• Up to 95% rebates on candidate departures
• Terms deemed accepted upon contacting introduced candidates
• Contingency-only agreement. No hire, no fee

(continue with in-situ agents or in-house searching)

Common Pain Points:

• 15-25 % Fees are cost-prohibitive
• Still sent unsuitable applicants
• It takes too long 

Resolved Pain Points:

• 12% fixed fees 
• Sensible screening 
• We're prompt and its proven

We strive to enable business, with transparent terms, sensible fees and fair rebates.

This summary is our effort to convey the essentials.

The formal terms document is available via:

A) Candidate connect requests 

(holding you to no hiring obligation)

B) This Request Form 

C) Asking us via email from an official business email, SUBJECT: Terms

We do not share your information with third parties.

Thanks for reading more about us.

Enquiries warmly welcomed. 

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